Did you know: iAbacus includes templates for 15 curriculum areas
As you know, the iAbacus process (see: www.iabacus.co.uk/model) can be used across all areas of school development using a range of templates. But did you know there are 15 templates designed specifically for subject leaders and heads of department. Like all templates these are freely available to all users who have purchased a licence, enabling even more members of staff to follow the same process, use the same software and reap the same benefits.
By pre-loading the iAbacus with subject specific Ofsted criteria, we can guide users through the familiar judgement-evidence-analysis-planning sequence and exceed Ofsted’s recommendations for subject self-evaluation and improvement planning. As each subject template incorporates relevant grade descriptors and guidance you can be confident that colleagues are working with precision.
So, if you know curriculum leaders who need to create subject self-evaluation and improvement plans (to complement the whole school SEF/SIP/SDP) send them a link to iAbacus. It will make their task straightforward, rigorous and rewarding.