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Below are a selection of videos showing how iAbacus is used for self-evaluation and improvement planning in the education and training sector.


If you'd like a video showing how iAbacus is used in organisations like yours - please get in touch

Quick introduction

John Pearce, iAbacus co-creator, explains how iAbacus helps schools to save time and work more effectively.

Multi-academy trusts

Daniel O'Brien, iAbacus co-creator explains how multi-academy trusts are using iAbacus to evaluate and improve effectiveness.

The Bett Show

John Pearce,  iAbacus co-creator, explains the origin of iAbacus from our exhibition stand at The Bett Show.

How to use an iAbacus (1 minute clips)

John Pearce explains the basics of using an iAbacus in a series of short video clips.

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