This month’s focus: iAbacus for Governance
Effective School Governance is now a high profile national issue. Discussions about quality, the need for scrutiny and potential payment clearly relate to specific cases but the new regulations and guidance, compound the pressures on all Governing Bodies.
Recognising these pressures, we launched The iAbacus, self evaluation and improvement template for Governance in December. We were pleased that the January DfE guidance stressed the importance of self-evaluation! Schools and Governing Bodies are already using it and tell us they like it, find it intuitive, informative and easy to use.
In the video – you’ll see it comes pre populated with NCTL/Ofsted Criteria and so, as with any iAbacus, it combines self-evaluation, planning and CPD in one tool – together with detailed reports and improvement plans.
We also have a Blog article dedicated to “Reviewing and Improving Governance”.