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Empowering Reading Leaders with iAbacus: Harnessing the DfE Reading Framework for Self-Evaluation and Strategic Planning
In today’s education landscape, reading is one of the top priorities and most talked about subjects, because it is a fundamental skill...

Reflective Teaching: The Role of Self-Evaluation in Professional Development
Introduction: The Concept of Reflective Teaching Reflective teaching is a cornerstone of professional growth in education. It's an...

Complimentary Leadership Webinars for Multi-Academy Trusts by MATvista.
Managing a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) comes with the task of overseeing a range of critical areas, from quality assurance to strategic...

New Estyn template for school self-evaluation and improvement planning.
Schools and PRUs in Wales We have been working with schools in Wales for over ten years - and today we are pleased to announce the...
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