Pupil Premium – Self-Evaluation and Action Planning
Educational Consultant Jasbir Mann points up key information about Pupil Premium and offers a Draft Self-evaluation and Action Planning template to help colleague headteachers and governors evaluate the impact of Pupil Premium and improve their plans for 2014-15.
What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium grants aim to raise the aspirations and achievement of disadvantaged pupils through sustained and evidence based school improvement. Pupil Premium is being spent on a wide range of school designed activities to break any link between poverty and lack of success at school. It aims to improve future life chances and ensure every pupil reaches their potential.
In the 2014 to 2015 financial year, pupil premium funding will be £1,300 per pupil of primary-school age, £935 per pupil of secondary-school age and £1,900 per pupil for looked-after children who have been looked after for 1 day or more, are adopted, or leave care under a Special Guardianship Order or a Residence Order.
What are the most effective strategies?
Ofsted’s Report: “How schools are spending the funding successfully to maximise achievement” offers significant advice based on its learning from reviewing schools’ Pupil Premium spending. Schools whose use of the pupil premium has significantly improved the attainment of their disadvantaged pupils are eligible for awards – for more detail see: Pupil Premium Awards
How are schools held to account for Pupil Premium spending?
Schools are held to account through performance tables, which include data on: the attainment of the pupils who attract the funding; the progress made by these pupils and any gap in attainment between disadvantaged pupils and their peers. Ofsted inspection reports also detail how schools’ use of the funding affects the attainment of their disadvantaged pupils.
What do headteachers and governors need to do?
In view of both the increased funding and scrutiny, it is advisable that headteachers and Governing Bodies have well thought through strategies and plans for their spending of Pupil Premium. Most importantly heads are required to evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of their plans. They also need to ensure the school’s website provides parents with a clear understanding of the amount of funding, how it is spent and what difference it makes to pupil outcomes.
Practical support for headteachers and governors
Working with a number of schools in Leicester, to assess the impact of Pupil Premium, I am clear that high quality support is needed. So, I created a template, in conjunction with John Pearce creator of The iAbacus. This is a secure, simple and effective process which not only guides users through the complexity but also provides a detailed report of their evaluation, analysis and action planning for Pupil premium.
If you are interested in collaborating to improve this template – just log in to your iAbacus account and create a new abacus using the Pupil Premium template – see the clip below.
If you don’t already have an account – you can register for a free trial here. Please send any feedback to myself – or John Pearce.
Jasbir Mann – Educational Consultant