Our pricing is flexible - allowing you to purchase iAbacus for a range of staff in your school. Select a plan below or click here to choose a specific number of users.
5 user licences.

School Leader
Creating the school self-evaluation and improvement plan.

Senior Leaders
Collaborating on the school self-evaluation and improvement plan.
If you're a small school with 5 members of staff, they'll also be able to use iAbacus for middle leadership and teacher growth.
Most Popular
10 user licences.

School Leader
Creating the school self-evaluation and improvement plan.

Senior Leaders
Collaborating on the school self-evaluation and improvement plan.

Middle Leaders
Creating their subject self-reviews and development plans.
If you're a small school with only 10 members of staff, they'll also be able to use iAbacus teacher growth.
25 user licences.

School Leader
Creating the school self-evaluation and improvement plan.

Senior Leaders
Collaborating on the school self-evaluation and improvement plan.

Middle Leaders
Creating their subject self-reviews and development plans.

Reflecting on their performance and creating CPD plans.
If you're a large school with more than 25 members of staff - click here to purchase a specific number of users.
What's included?
Unlimited training
Unlimited usage
Unlimited support
Unlimited online training to help get staff using this unique tool.
Unlimited usage for all aspects of personal performance and operational effectiveness.
Unlimited personalised support for every user by phone, email or live chat.